Software Development Projects

Dates: 2022 to Current

Sept 2023 - April 2024


Nemenberg is a dynamic WordPress website crafted for a Guatemala-based IT business, serving as a central hub for showcasing the company's mission, services, and expertise. Through its design and organization, it enables visitors to explore the company's offerings and capabilities, effectively reflecting its commitment to excellence in the IT industry.

Web Developer

• Developed and maintained a WordPress website for a Guatemalan IT business, enhancing its digital presence.
• Collaborated closely with the owner to identify and implement website features aligned with business goals.
• Integrated language translation feature enabling seamless Spanish-English communication.
• Provided ongoing technical support and user experience enhancements to optimize website performance.

Oct 2022 - June 2023



PlantMe-NJ, an Android gardening app tailored for New Jersey, aims to enhance planting seasons. It includes a personalized plant selection quiz based on user preferences and local conditions, alongside real-time weather updates. Additionally, an AR feature was planned to visualize potential plants in chosen locations.

Mobile Developer

• Spearheaded the development of PlantMe-NJ, an Android application tailored to the gardening needs of New Jersey residents.
• Coded in Kotlin using Android development tools in Android Studio, featuring an SQLite backend and WeatherAPI integration.
• Designed a personalized plant recommendation system using Typeform, basing environmental factors to suggest ideal plants for individual gardeners.
• Conducted extensive research on gardening information, including plant varieties, planting techniques, and maintenance tips, to ensure the accuracy of content.

Aug 2022 - Dec 2022

visualstudiocode ruby-rails postgresql

ACCR Pro-Bono Breakdown

The ACCR Pro-Bono Breakdown is an interactive webpage for Atlantic Center for Capital Representation (ACCR) staff, monitoring and tracking pro-bono hours and service details. The website allows for easy editing, storage, and export of pro-bono data. Supported by a robust database, ACCR Pro-Bono Breakdown ensures accurate recording of pro-bono hours and associated information. Additionally, its CSV export feature enables efficiency in reporting and analysis processes for the organization.

Software Developer

• Collaborated with a team of five individuals to record and export pro-bono hours as a CSV for inclusion in a grant proposal and to showcase to the organization's donors.
• Project uses CRUD operations to enter, store, search, and discard pro-bono hour entries using Ruby on Rails and a PostgreSQL database with an HTML and Bootstrap front-end.
• Had regular meetings with stakeholders to discuss project progress, gather input, and identify areas for improvement.
• Designed project framework by applying software engineering concepts like UML and use case diagrams, ensuring alignment with product requirements for efficient development.

Jan 2022 - May 2022

visualstudiocode flask postgresql python bash

Energy Supply Project Analysis

Energy Supply Project Analysis (ESPA) is a web application that enables users to track energy trends between Natural Gas/Fuel Oil and Electric Grid power sources at The College of New Jersey's power plant. Users can observe seasonal fluctuations in energy usage over time, displaying insight of various consumption patterns. Additionally, ESPA offers an energy-efficiency analysis tool within the application, allowing users to optimize energy usage through a variety of time intervals.

Software Developer

• Coordinated with a team of seven individuals to focus on the energy supply distribution at The College of New Jersey.
• Project converted and organized Excel files into CSV files using Python and Shell and utilized a Flask backend using a PostgreSQL database with HTML, Bootstrap, and Javascript as the front end.
• Had regular meetings with stakeholders to discuss project progress, gather input, and identify areas for improvement.
• Designed the database structure through the use of relational schemas and ER diagrams.